Marketing Automation
Optimize the sales flow
Without a system in place to manage all these opportunities, a team can be thrown into chaos, but the perfect software can help a lot.
With marketing automation technology to handle much of the organizational work, and tools to keep everything neat, a business can grow its inflow of bookings to start driving business results.
Marketing Automation can automatically handle most of the administrative work and save time.
With Automation the system will send out reminders with the special offers of the month for treatments and the special offer of the month for products.
Also the customer trends report will help you to identify the customer behaviour and send your personalized campaigns.

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“Clinic Software®.com is a fully-comprehensive SaaS (Software as a Service) in cloud based created to help companies and appointment-based businesses of any industry and size such as Clinics, Spas and Salons with tools that helps to Grow Sales, Save Time & Get Organized.”